Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Real Life Cold Deck Grinder

Thinking of starting my own training site, 2ndNutz, in how to run as poorly as possible. My first series will be "Real Life Cold Deck Grinder."

Week 1 - Inducing Coolers at High Stakes - run well at play money then move up to 5/10 when your "dueness" is at an all-time low.

Week 2 - The 2nd Nutz - playing more Kxs hands.

Week 3 - Boobies - nuff said.

Week 4 - A Means to an Ignorant End - playing more low SCs.

Week 5 - Absolutely -EV - playing on Absolute Poker.

Week 6 - Triple-Barrelling Nits on Wet Boards - they'll fold eventually.

Week 7 - The Flatbarrel - an introspective look into the mind of a coin flipper. (only listeners of 2+2 podcasts will understand this course)

Week 8 - A wrap-up discussion on why single-stuf oreos should be obsolete by now. Also, bigger boobies.

1 comment:

  1. Re week 5 - Absolutely -EV - AP is really -EV when you cash out - they charge $8/check.
