Thursday, March 12, 2009

6Max NLHE Update

I recently moved up to 100NL and things went really well until the past couple of days. I hit a nice 5.5 buy-in downswing where I managed to get coolered quite often. I had to pull off some really nice bluffs just to win what little I did.

My goal this month was to hit the gold mark for the Iron Man Challenge on Full Tilt. I still may go for that, but I took yesterday off just to have a break. I recently started reading Ryan Fee's 6max guide, per the recommendation of my coach, and it is filled with amazing stuff. I'm hoping to finish it soon.

Speaking of my coach, his name is Vincent and I recently started working with him. He offered me two free sessions, then a 5 session package at an affordable rate. He's a really nice, funny guy, and he really knows his stuff. In fact, my friend hired him as well. Things are going pretty well on that front, and I'm hoping to continue learning from him.

Improva, one of DC's coaches, also just finished his book. Being a former student, I received a pre-release copy and I'm excited about reading it.

My goals for March regarding 6max NLHE:

1. Finish Fee's book
2. Start Improva's book
3. Finish watching the Unconvential Wisdom series
4. Continue working with Vincent
5. Finish the month up 10 buy-ins (I really just want to play well, but having a goal helps me do that)

1 comment:

  1. Your posts have gotten less cool since the self-confidence post :-P
