On a bit of a downswing lately with both my cash and sng games. Lost 5.5 buyins in cash and hit a cold streak in sngs, finishing 4th twice and 5th last night. (AJ vs A9 flop K99 = 4th) Not a big deal tho. The silver lining in all of this has been my "inner game" (thx Ragz) improvement. I'm currently reading Tommy Angelo's Elements of Poker and have been continually working on my attitude towards poker. Accepting beats and variance with a smile is my goal, as well as maintaining my A game throughout. My recovery period from taking beats is getting smaller as well.
I played a 1.5 hour session, 2 tabling 100NL last night and finished with my biggest win ever! Really goes to show that if you keep your head during the downswings, things always turn around. I was running pretty hot, but also managed to play well. One of the sweeter hands actually ended up being two consecutive hands.
Fish limps utg, tag/reg isolates, and I 3b w/ KTo on the button knowing that my bet will be too big for the fish to call and that the tag/reg most likely can't stand the heat either. They both folded and it worked to perfection.
Very next hand - tag/reg opens utg, I 3b w/ AA, fully knowing that he's not going to fold to my 3b two hands in a row. He 4bs me and I "think about it" and just flat. My range is still somewhat wide when I flat, as is his, whereas if I 5b shove he's only calling w/ big hands. It also helped that he cbets 80%. Flop is a dry Qxx board. He fires a cbet, I call. Turn is a J. He thinks about it, then checks. I've got about 50 left at this point and the pot is already 100. I timebanked and decided that if Villian has any hand, it's going to be tough for him to fold getting 3:1. He knows I'm capable of floating, and If I shove here, it really looks like a float. Also, people love to put you on AK any chance they get. So I shove, he timebanks, and eventually calls w/ TT. My AA holds and I fistpump for stacking this guy w/ two overs on the board.
Here is my 100NL career so far.
I also decided to start my SNG challenge over in a sense. I had basically broken even anyway over the course of 100 or so sngs, and I wanted to rededicate myself to the challenge. I played 10 $6.50 9 man sngs. Didn't cash in 6 of them, but won the other 4! Finished up $43.
Graph from last night...
Yeahhh big money!! ;)