Thursday, March 12, 2009

SNG Challenge Update

Things started out really well with my 500 to 10k SNG challenge. I planned to play 9 man $6.50 turbo sngs until I had run my 500 up to 600, then I would move up to $12 sngs. After approx 50 $6.50 sngs, I had run my roll up to just over 600. As soon as I moved up, I began running bad. The past few sessions have not gone well and my roll is back down to about 520. I have been studying each of my sessions in SNGWiz, reviewing any mistakes that I have been making. Most, if not all, of my mistakes seem to be not pushing enough in situations where it's any two cards. These "mistakes" don't necessarily account for the wide calling ranges at these microstakes tho. I still believe that shoving a bit tighter and waiting for others to make mistakes is a winning strategy at these stakes, but I will continue to evaluate my play. It will help to learn the normal pushing range for when I move up in stakes anyway.

So I'm just going to keep playing, keep learning, and keep pressing on. I'm hoping to take AMT up on his offer to help me out soon. Also, MrMillions, SootedNinjas, and some others have started a SNG study group. Check out DC's Secret HQ forum for more info if you are interesting in joining. I will be attending the first meeting with them, and hope to continue as much as I can with it.

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